Assigning function to a variable in C++

In C++, assigning a function to a variable and using that variable for calling the function as many times as the user wants, increases the code reusability. Below is the syntax for the same:



// Below function is assigned to // the variable fun cout << "inside function"

Program 1: Below is the C++ program to implement a function assigned to a variable:


// C++ program to implement function // assigned to a variable using namespace std; // Driver Code // Below function i.e., is // assigned to the variable fun cout << "Inside Function Variable" ; // Call the function using variable Output
Inside Function Variable

Program 2: Below is the C++ program to implement a parameterized function assigned to a variable:


// C++ program to implement parameterized // function assigned to a variable using namespace std; // Driver Code // Passing i and j as 2 parameters auto fun = [&]( int i, int j) < cout << "Parameterized Function" ; // Call the function using variable


Parameterized Function

Program 3: Below is the C++ program to implement a function assigned to a variable that returns a value:


// C++ program to implement the function // assigned to a variable returning // some values using namespace std; // Driver Code // Function taking 2 parameters // and returning sum auto sum = [&]( int a, int b) < return a + b; // Call the function using variables cout << "The sum is: " Output
The sum is: 9
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