A Complete Writing Guide for Government Job Cover Letter [+ Examples & Tips]


A cover letter is an essential element of a job application package. Whether it be for a position in the private sector or public service, a cover letter can mean the difference between landing a job and being rejected!

Entering public service is a gratifying and exciting career path, and a well-written cover letter is required when applying for a government job. A strong public service cover letter elevates your resume and provides key information that can be vital for your employment!

Are you looking to take the first steps to serve your country? If so, you need an exceptional government cover letter to go alongside your application. This article will break down the parts of a cover letter for a government job, and will provide everything you need to know to write a cover letter that will land you in the civil service job of your dreams!

Table of Contents:

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Government Job

Writing a cover letter to apply for a government job is a multi-step process. Every cover letter should tell a narrative or story, and your cover letter for a government position should depict the development of your skills and character, and show that you have the potential to succeed in the position you are applying for. This section will outline the steps that one should take when writing a cover letter for a government position.

Step 1: Read the job posting carefully

The first step to an exemplary cover letter for a government position, as with any other, begins before you write a word! Prior to writing your government job cover letter, read the job posting and become intimately aware of the exact roles that your position will require.

Government offices seek candidates who are professionally competent and highly skilled. Before writing your cover letter for the government position, ensure that your skills, qualifications, and experiences are aligned with that listed on the job posting!

Step 2: Research the government agency you are applying for

The next step in the preparation to write your government position cover letter is to familiarize yourself with the government agency you are applying to join. You should understand the mission and values of the agency, as well as the scope of its operations. Bear in mind that your government cover letter must reflect your knowledge on these matters, so discovering what and where your interests lay is important as well.

Agencies look for candidates whose mindsets and ideals align with their own. Your public service cover letter should reflect and communicate this to best draw the attention of the recruiter reading!

Step 3: Write a complete cover letter header

It is finally time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and begin writing your cover letter for the government position you want to apply for! The first section of your government cover letter should be, like all others, the cover letter header. Cover letters for government positions follow the standard cover letter format.

Here is a template of a cover letter header that you can use as a reference to write your own government position cover letter.

[Your Name]
[Your position]
[Your address]
[Your telephone number]
[Your email address]

[Name of Hiring Manager]
[Job title]

[Government office address]

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.][Hiring Manager’s name],

Step 4: Introduce yourself and mention your reason for writing

In the opening paragraph of your government position cover letter, you should endeavor to make a good first impression. Introduce yourself and your motivation for writing. The recruiter reading your government position cover letter may choose whether to continue reading simply based on the first paragraph, so being memorable is important!

💡Pro tip: A great way to open a cover letter for a government job is by briefly mentioning your experience and how it ties into your candidacy for the position you are applying for.

Here is a template of an introductory paragraph for a cover letter for a public service position that you can use as a guide to writing your own:

I am writing to formally express my interest in the [Job position] at the [Government office] as the position appears perfectly aligned with my personal and professional developmental goals. For years, I have dreamed of being able to serve my country in any capacity. As an experienced professional working in [field of expertise] for [years of experience], I believe I can apply my skills and qualifications to add immediate value to the [Government office].

Step 5: Explain the qualifications that make you a great candidate

Moving on to the body paragraph of your government job cover letter. This section of your government position cover letter is where you truly sell yourself. Elaborate on your qualifications, skills, and experiences and prove to the recruiter that you would be an asset and valuable addition to the agency.

Importantly, avoid arbitrarily including experiences in your government job cover letter. Rather, focus on relevant experiences and skills that can be directly applied to both impress the recruiter and excel in the position you are applying to!

Finally, avoid beating around the bush when writing your government position cover letter! Cover letters should be brief - no more than a page - as recruiters have hundreds, even thousands of letters to read. If your letter does not hit the mark immediately or is too long, it will be skipped.

Here is a template that you can use as a guide to writing the body section of your public service cover letter:

I hold a [most recent degree in a relevant area]. Throughout my studies and professional career, I have maintained the highest standards of [soft skills], the extent of which can be measured by my key accomplishments over the years:

I believe that my [2-3 soft skills], coupled with my knowledge of [1-2 hard skills] make me a competitive candidate that can meet and exceed the demands of the [Job title].

Step 6: Reemphasize your genuine interest in the role and your motivation

Your government position cover letter should aim to emphasize your genuine interest in the position you are applying for! As you prepare to end your civil service cover letter, ensure that you express your genuine interest in the position and drive home that your application stems from a vested interest in public service.

While the origin of your interest is highly personal, you can use this template as a guide to writing this section of your federal cover letter:

My passion for public service has impacted and influenced every academic and professional decision I have made in the last decade. I wish to [state what you want to achieve through the position you are applying for].

Step 7: Close with an invitation and give your contact details

And now we come to the end of your civil service cover letter. Appropriately end your government cover letter by first thanking the recruiter for taking their valuable time in reading your cover letter. Then, be proactive in including a strong call to action indicating your enthusiasm for the position and furthering the application process.

At this stage in your government cover letter, it could be a good idea to include your contact information. This is for the sake of the recruiter who, by this point, would have decided whether or not you are a viable candidate for the position. Having your contact information at the end of your government cover letter makes it more convenient for them to file your information away for later use!

Here is a template of how you can include your contact information in your government position cover letter:

Thank you for your evaluation and consideration. Please take a moment to review my attached resume and recommendations. I can be contacted at any time via telephone [telephone number] or email [email address] should the need for further clarification or documentation arise. I look forward to sitting with you to fully discuss how I can apply my [knowledge in relevant topics] to best fulfill the demands of the [Job title].

Cover Letter Example for Government Jobs

Here is an example of a general government cover letter to give you an idea of its format in practice:

Application Letter for Government Employment

Adam Sunders
Political Analyst
123 Road, Wi 12345
(123) 123-456-7890
[email protected]

September 16th, 2022

Paul Greyson
Recruiting Officer
State Department
2201 C St NW,
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Mr. Greyson,

I am writing to express my interest in the Political Analyst Position at the State Department as the position appears to be perfectly aligned with my personal and professional goals and interests. As an experienced professional with an expertise concentration in Southeast Asian Politics, I have long dreamed of serving my country and working toward expanding US foreign policy. I believe that my skills and qualifications make me an ideal candidate for the Associate Analyst position.

With 7 years of experience as a political commentator for CNN and other media houses, and a doctorate in Southeast Asian political development, my education and professional experiences have laid the groundwork for my meticulous attention to detail, a results-driven work ethic, and a burning desire to apply my skills to serve my country. My career can be highlighted by my key accomplishments:

Thank you for your time and evaluation. Please take a moment to review my attached resume and references. I can be contacted at any time via my email [email protected] should the need for any supplemental documentation or clarification arise. I look forward to sitting down with you to discuss in further detail how my concentration in Southeast Asian politics can help propel US policy in the region.

Adam Sunders

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for Federal Job

Now that you know the government position cover letter format, let’s go over some tips for writing a stunning federal cover letter.

Tip 1: Include specific information

While it is generally a good exercise to have a general format cover letter, ensure that you tailor your cover letter to the government position and government office you are applying to. This includes the desired skills, experience level, and qualifications for the position.

For example, imagine you are writing a cover letter for a government office position at the Foreign Service and the Department of Education. You (luckily) possess the necessary skills for each one. However, when you apply you include the skills needed for the Department of Education in your Foreign Service cover letter. Disaster, right? Such a mistake can cost you your job!

Tip 2: Follow the descriptions written in the job post

When writing your government position cover letter, the information included in the job listing is gold! You will find everything you need to know about the position you are applying for and the essential information you will need when writing your government job cover letter. This information includes, but is not limited to, the desired skills, experience level, and qualifications; the address and contact information of the government office/recruiter; and the deadlines and application stages that need to be met and passed.

Tip 3: Use the correct file format

As a rule of thumb, you should submit any formal document in the .pdf format; a cover letter for a government position is no exception. Submitting your civil service cover letter as a .pdf reduces the possibility that it will be tampered with, and ensures that there will be no changes in format/printing when it is received and processed by the recruiter.

Tip 4: Use appropriate text formatting

Your cover letter for a government position should follow the standard cover letter format. This includes a professional font and font size (11-12 pt. Times New Roman is best), and one-inch margins around the page.

Tip 5: Create a draft, edit and proofread

Thoroughly proofread, revise, and edit your government cover letter as many times as necessary. Oftentimes, it is difficult to find your own mistakes, so asking someone to help you read and critique your cover letter could be beneficial! Whatever you choose, ensure that the final public service cover letter you submit is error-free and is written in the correct tone and format.


And that’s that! You should, at this point, be well on your way to writing the government cover letter that is sure to land you the job of your dreams! Public service is a career of dedication and sacrifice; your government position cover letter should reflect your eagerness and enthusiasm to tackle your country’s problems head-on and be the solution to the problems people face!

When writing your public service cover letter, remember to keep these points in mind:

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--- Originally written by Alexander Coye ---