Summary of Laws Related to Child and Adolescent Mental Health

The interaction of national and state laws can affect how public health interventions intended to benefit children are permitted to operate, especially in the domain of collecting, using and sharing personal health information. Child and adolescent mental health information is particularly sensitive and subject to complex interactions of national and state legal requirements and constraints. CDC/NCBDDD and PHII, working with the Network for Public Health Law, developed this summary of laws relevant to child and adolescent mental health, focusing on six key federal laws. The summary provides information about the intent of these laws, as well as how they can be superseded by state laws that provide a higher level of privacy protection. It also includes references on how states allow minors to consent for treatment and data sharing.

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PHII (September 20, 2024) Summary of Laws Related to Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Retrieved from

"Summary of Laws Related to Child and Adolescent Mental Health." PHII - September 20, 2024,

PHII August 19, 2020 Summary of Laws Related to Child and Adolescent Mental Health., viewed September 20, 2024,