MRU Conditional Offer of Employment Discussion

Topic: Fourteen applicants for a city of Providence, Rhode Island, police academy training class each received from the city a letter stating that it was a “conditional offer of employment” subject to successful completion of medical and psychological exams. The 14 applicants passed the medical and psychological exams. However, these applicants were replaced by others after the city changed the selection criteria.

Can you identify an offer and acceptance in this case? Can you make out a bilateral or unilateral contract? Why?

Explanation & Answer: 3 Paragraphs

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Explanation & Answer

Business contract

First, the city of Providence, Rhode Island, sent letters to fourteen applicants stating it
was a "conditional offer of employment." This act can be considered an offer because it was
made by a party (City of Pridence) showing its readiness to enter into a contract.. The offer was
conditional because it was only valid if the students met certain conditions, which in this case
involved completing their exams. The applicants fulfilled the condition stated in the offer by
passing the medical and psychological exams. Their successful completion of these exams can be
seen as an acceptance of the offer. Acceptance is the un.

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